I actually had a hard time thinking about something to hate. Sure, there's the standard complaints about DLC money-grubbing, Quick Time Events and everything Activision does, but that seemed too easy. In the end, I chose to whine about game difficulty. I'm not great at thinking on my feet (as you may have noticed with all the stuttering I do in these shows) but I think it turned out well. It's a solid episode, so go to that fancy new website of theirs and check it out.
And if you haven't seen it yet, those guys made a great little Project Natal/Milo spoof too.
One of the things that has surprised me is how much I actually consider these guys to be buddies of mine now. I've appeared on their show like twice and played a few hours of Rock Band with them (they aren't lying when they say Paul is a top-tier vocalist), but I already feel like I've made some new friends. And that's pretty damn cool.
In lecture news, the script is coming along nicely. I think it's going to end up being a shorter episode, but James has really nailed it this time. I'll keep you guys posted!